
Omlet use cases for improving
your codebase and design system

Omlet gives you broad visibility into component library usage. Shorten dev cycles, drive design system adoption, and maintain cleaner code.

Increase design system adoption

See design system adoption across all your projects. Spot gaps where adoption is lagging and drive meaningful improvements backed by real data.

  • Pinpoint areas

    with low adoption so you can investigate further

  • Track changes

    over time and see your design system’s impact

  • Promote design system usage

    to keep things consistent

App screen #1 App screen #2 App screen #3
Before Omlet, we had almost no insight into where and how our design system components were being used. Now, we can quickly identify underutilized or problematic components, and make rapid improvements to our design system exactly where it’s needed most.
Daron Adkins @SageSure
Staff Software Engineer, UI Platforms

Reduce tech debt

Omlet surfaces outdated, unused, and deprecated components and props across your repositories, giving you a path to cleaner code.

  • Discover

    when components have been added or updated

  • Identify

    dependencies so you can safely remove code

  • Find

    similar or redundant components to consolidate


Try the demo environment

We built a demo environment using Proton’s open source design system. Test out the charts and other components yourself!


Migrate design systems and component libraries

Design systems are constantly changing — whether it's new versions, consolidation, or building for scale. Omlet’s usage data helps you identify and prioritize components to safely migrate and update, without disruption.

Audit and improve your component library

Omlet enables data-driven decisions on what to refine, remove, or enhance next in your design system and component libraries.

  • View

    frequently used custom components to standardize

  • Identify

    patterns from what's been recently created

  • Spot

    unused props to improve code quality and maintainability

Try Omlet for yourself